Saunaclubs Andiamo Villach

ich werde mir das Etablissement mal anschauen. Habe überlegt das Wellcum oder dieses. Auf Grund der preislichen Gegebenheiten aber das Andiamo ausgewählt. Bericht folgt in den nächsten Tagen.Habt ihr einen Tip für die Damen?
So jetzt war ich da...abgehakt. Der Eintritt mit 69,--- ist OK. die Mädchen, na ja, so mal eben 12-15....alle aus RO mit tw internationaler Erfahrung. Unterhaltung nett, nicht alle auf Sex drängend. Bin dann wieder gegangen da: die mir gefielen machen kein Küssen und die küssen gefielen mir nicht. Aber der Club an sich ist OK vom Preis- Leistung.
Waren am Freitag spontan im adiamo... wie sich herausgestellt hat, haben die Damen, die Preise für den gleichen Service von 70 auf 100 erhöht.... man kann weiterhin eine halbe Stunde für 70 aufs Zimmer, allerdings mit weniger Service wie zb. BJ mit Kondom. Dies wurde von 2 Frauen so kommuniziert, ob alle jetzt so fahren weiss ich nicht... was mir noch aufgefallen war... es waren 2 Pärchen im Club. Es waren mit Sicherheit keine zu arbeitenden Damen im Club, da die Pärchen den Club gemeinsam betreten haben, die Damen den gleichen weißen bademantel bekommen haben, und auch, wie alle Männer, alles normal benutzt haben. Sauna, whirlpool usw. Dies ist mir schon einmal aufgefallen. Jetzt meine Frage: Sind das Swinger? Hab nämlich was von Swingersuit gehört. Wenn ja, wie wird das ablaufen, wenn die Swinger sich mit einem männlichen Gast vergnügen möchten? Ist das überhaupt erlaubt? Ich denke, das wäre ja für die arbeitenden Damen ja wirtschaftlich nicht so gut. Falls erlaubt, was kostet die swingersuit? Man könnte sich ja auch im Kino vergnügen ;) hat jemand erfahrung? Wollt mich hier mal schlau machen, bevor ich mich vor Ort informieren.. Danke schon mal im voraus...
Andiamo what a club could be, but it isn't. been here on and off for 2 years now, the price of 65 Euro to get is is 10 euro over priced considering the amount of girls on the site, 42 girls so really not worth it, been to a few parties here and all same theme except a few minor tweaks, thats it, the club itself is too small, the girls some are friendly but most stay in the crew they sit in and thats it... you do a few laps and well thats your night, the only decent thing there is the food the cooks there are great, not many clubs serve french fries 10/10 there, but for the FKK experience Austria doesn't cut it, Germany does especially the massive club just south of Frankfurt Airport. The issue with Austrian clubs is closing times, too early, the major plus in Austria is no smoking in the club. but Andiamo is the club that could be something if the owners invested some funds into it...
Mir kommt auch vor, dass das Adiamo nachlässt... war am Mittwoch wieder mal dort, da war 49€ Eintritt. Große Werbung überall angepriesen. Und siehe da, die Inklusive Leistungen haben sich auf einmal geändert. Keine 2 alkoholischen Getränke mehr inklusive. Diese müsste man extra dazukaufen, dann kommt man auf den ohnehin auf den normalen Eintrittspreis. Wo ist nun die Aktion, der Mehrwert? Sinnlos ... für 70 aufs Zimmer gehen, ist auch schwierig geworden. Alles ein bisschen unsympathisch geworden, obwohl der Club Ansicht, vorallem das Essen wirklich top ist. Ich hoffe, sie lassen nicht weiter nach... Wir werden es weiterhin im Auge behalten. Schreibt mir eure Erfahrungen. Thx
It also seems to me that the Adiamo is waning... I was there again on Wednesday and the entrance fee was €49. Great advertising touted everywhere. And lo and behold, the included services have suddenly changed. No more 2 alcoholic drinks included. You would have to buy these separately, then you would get the normal admission price anyway. Now where is the action, the added value? Pointless... going to the room for 70 has also become difficult. Everything has become a bit unsympathetic, although the club view and especially the food are really great. I hope they don't let up any further... We'll continue to keep an eye on it. Write me your experiences. Thx

100$ Factually Correct.... The town of Villach near by looks rather sad these days, shops all over have closed down, cost of living is hitting badly, including those clubs. if you look at the the 2nd Birthday this weekend there are 40 ladies on, now if that was up in FKK sharks there would be over a 100 ladies plus, and the major plus there is they have plenty of rooms, unlike Andiamo has.. The local Laufhaus of oase has 25 ladies on that you can walk in for free... so yes I agree with you... the food is worth it I agree compared to the Italian style foods served at Wellcum... I was thinking of going this weekend to the party but may think again..
... if you look at the the 2nd Birthday this weekend there are 40 ladies on, now if that was up in FKK sharks there would be over 100 ladies plus, and the major plus there is they have plenty of rooms, unlike Andiamo has ...
Do you know the population of Darmstadt and Frankfurt, it is approx. 900.000 and in Villach only 56.000!
So you cannot compare these 2 clubs!
Do you know the population of Darmstadt and Frankfurt, it is approx. 900,000 and in Villach only 56,000!
So you cannot compare these 2 clubs!

Yes but the owner of both of clubs sell both as the leaders of the FKK system especially wellcum.. if the population is 60,000 then there must be a load of rich men here to keep these two clubs alive for years..... or is it Rich Italians as most of the number plates there are mainly from Italy in the parking lot of wellcum.
Ich war 2 Mal in den letzten 12 Monaten im Andiamo. Der Club ist schön, aber von den vielen Frauen auf der Website habe ich kaum welche gesehen. Claudia ist toll, der Rest hat mich nicht interessiert. Ich bin nur einmal auf dem Zimmer gewesen, und beim zweiten Mal ohne Sex wieder raus ins Wellcum. Ich gehe dort nicht mehr hin.
I've been to Andiamo twice in the last 12 months. The club is nice, but of the many women on the website I hardly saw any. Claudia is great, I wasn't interested in the rest. I was only in the room once, and the second time I went back to the Wellcum without sex. I don't go there anymore.

She is only there for the party there this weekend. and I think that ella was at wellcum last weekend too.. Wellcum from what I see is massive pub, if the owners put up TV's playing football I think 99% of guests would be happy as a pig in Scheisse...
Yes but the owner of both clubs sell both as the leaders of the FKK system especially wellcum.. if the population is 60,000 then there must be a load of rich men here to keep these two clubs alive for years..... or is it rich Italians as most of the number plates there are mainly from Italy in the parking lot of wellcum.
Both clubs, Andiamo and Wellcum can only make a profit because 95 % of their guest are Italians!
If prostitution in Italy became legal, both clubs would have to close.
Both clubs, Andiamo and Wellcum can only make a profit because 95% of their guests are Italians!
If prostitution became legal in Italy, both clubs would have to close.

So if that is the case down here where do Austrian men go to meet women then, as they are not paying for sexual services so they are picking up local women as those two clubs are full of EE ladies, so please where do they go for the traditional hookups.. thanks in advance.
So if that is the case down here where do Austrian men go to meet women then, as they are not paying for sexual services so they are picking up local women as those two clubs are full of EE ladies, so please where do they go for the traditional hookups.. thanks in advance.
For a traditional austrian hookup, we go to family gatherings.