an information please



(Gelöschter Account)
thank you, i tried indeed, but it appear: Ihre Suchanfrage erzielte keine Treffer. Bitte versuchen Sie es mit anderen Suchbegriffen.
i don't know what that mean...
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Has this person an nickname?
If yes, write it in the searchfield in the upper right corner "Erweiterte Suche" and then you should find her.
thank you, i tried indeed, but it appear: Ihre Suchanfrage erzielte keine Treffer. Bitte versuchen Sie es mit anderen Suchbegriffen.
i don't know what that mean...

sorry, is my first time into a forum
To translate this message: The search has no success. Please try another/ a different search item.

Just as a hint: you posed this message at the fetish corner... I think it's the wrong place ;)
Well, then, the person you're looking for, may have given you a false nickname. In this case it would be very complicated to find her. Do you have another possibility to find her? An e-mail adress or something?
Thank you for helping.
The nickname is correct, because when I signed on this forum it asked who invited me, and it recognized her nick!
Too bad I don't have any other contact, no email, no number...
I think this is the right place, because she is a bdsm dominant Lady, the she shoul be here, right?
sorry for bypassing in german
wo Petseit doch grad online ist, gibts nicht eine unscharfe Suchfunktion, wo nicht der gesamte Nick eingegeben werden muss?
Thanks alot, I'm tryng searching on the link above.
i offered to her as a footslave, then she was into a Mistress mood...she doesn't like vanilla stuff! Then she should be here...
No way...I give up.
Thank you anyway, you was very kind.
What a pity, I thought I found a Mistress in Vienna, but it seems that she was a ghost...
Well, this will not be the only mistress in Vienna, so don't give up!
Maybe it would help, to post her nick or write it as an PN, eventually there is someone that can hep you
No way, I give up.
Thank you anyway, you were so kind.
What a pity, I thought that I found a Mistress in Vienna, but it seems that she was a ghost...