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Girls... wait...! don't listen to him! The Vienna Marathon is coming in April, then followed by Europe Cup! There will be a lot of nasty boys looking for you! It is a good oportunity, so open wide your door! come on... come on... GET READY! Earn more... save more... so that you can get back to your normal life as soon as possible!
I think it is the fault of the fluwave. Probably many girls have been plugged on with the fluvirus. It is no wonder, because they run around half naked most of the time. So I think they cure out now. But make yourself nothing out of it, I am sure, that they will be back soon.
I think it is the fault of the fluwave. Probably many girls have been plugged on with the fluvirus. It is no wonder, because they run around half naked most of the time. So I think they cure out now. But make yourself nothing out of it, I am sure, that they will be back soon.
Yeah, you right... and I hope there is nothing serious happening with them.
Thanks for the reminder to keep away from the flu!
Btw, let me tell you something. I called 7 girls since last week. Four left me with answering machine, telling that they are not working for the moment. One did not answer or pick up the phone (may be she is busy with a fan). One switch off her handy. And one reply with a very polite answer telling me that she is not feeling well so that she could not accept me at the moment and ask me to call again next time...