Hostessen SGF Information

aha... wie use the therm "GFS" for "Girl-Friend-Sex" and it means to have sex with a hostess that lets you feel as if you do it with a real Girl-Friend.

So the mix-up with "SGF" and "GFS"

the "kontaktbazar" and the "sexmagazin" are the best websites in this context.

there are some others, like but the 2 above are all right to find a girl in vienna.

My english is sooo bad!!! Sorry !
Thanks for the information, and sorry for mixing-up. You right, it must be GFS instead of SGF! sorry again!
Do you have any other reccommendation?
Have a look at the button "Sexführer" at the very top opf this page. It is still being filled with content, however the search-function makes it a valuable source.

Good luck!

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