Dienstleistungen Diverses Looking for Studio/Hostess/Streetsex in 1010 StadtPark asap

Thank you. I have tried, but there are none in that filter...!!

Click the little "down-arrow" in "Suche nach Bezirk" then a dropdown-box opens, in this drobdown-box you click on 1010 Innere Stadt
After this selection click Button "FILTERN"
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Thanks again...they are all linked to either MAXIM, or another brothel...or they are men!! I was hoping to find a local lady...thanks for all your help though...
Thanks again...they are all linked to either MAXIM, or another brothel...or they are men!! I was hoping to find a local lady...thanks for all your help though...

Okay, i wonder where you see there men :fragezeichen:

Try this link:


(Hint: you can change the language with the litte flags from german to english)

Alle Bundesländer :arrow: Wien :arrow: 1. Innere Stadt :arrow: Modelle Hostessen
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Thanks again...they are all linked to either MAXIM, or another brothel...or they are men!! I was hoping to find a local lady...thanks for all your help though...

Have a other Idea 4 you:


That´s a very nice and friendly Studio.



Call: http://www.taxi40100.at/ and they will bring you to the Eisblumen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
you are being very kind in helping! Thank you! Where is the Eisblumen and how do I contact them and find out their fees?
Thank you again...unfortunately they are shut!! I think a visit tomorrow night maybe.
Thanks again for all your help, you have been most kind and gracious in giving me your time.
Why don't you go to a laufhaus? There you can choose from a lot of Girls. For me, the Eisblumen are not young enough, although the have exzellent reviews in this forum.
Why don't you go to a laufhaus? There you can choose from a lot of Girls. For me, the Eisblumen are not young enough, although the have exzellent reviews in this forum.

Do you have any other suggestions of good places? Tonight I am in 1020