Isabela stands at the OMV traffic light, just opposite the petrol station. She shares a hungarian plated van with at least 2 other mates and I couldn't actually resist to her golden catsuit
After paying a
too short visit to the blue
Nicoletta's van, I have just the time to make a U-turn before the bus stop of
Kristina and, when I reach the OMV traffic light, a vision appears in front of my eyes. The shorter
Ana which I'm already familiar with isn't there, but her tall blonde mate walks back and forth wearing an unbelievable golden metallic catsuit, which doesn't leave so much space to imagination. I've seen some girls dressed like her at fairs, but her catsuit is really special, because one leg and one arm are missing and a lot of skin of the blondie is directly exposed to the fresh night air.
It's not even so difficult to approach her: the traffic light is red, my car is stopped in the right lane and - when she sees me mouthwatering at her - she spontaneously comes to my car, with a large smile on her face. Besides being tall and well-shaped, also her face is quite beautiful, definitely not looking like a Romanian. I'm sure that I've already noticed her at the same place (or the opposite side) for at least the last 1-1,5 year, but I've always believed that she was too beautiful to be also good and I've never paid her a visit. But, luckily, there is the "King of the Brunner" who meets all the girls on our behalf, his "Wiederholungsgefahr" has been at 90% and so I'm here, with the side window down and the blondie bent in my car
There is not so much to discuss and 20 seconds laters she is alread sitting at my right hand side, showing me the (short) way to her hungarian plated van. When she opens the side door, I immediately recognize that I've already been aboard with her mate Ana: the blue lightning inside, enriched by some extra sparkling leds which would fit my XMas tree perfectly, can't be easily forgotten

The blondie must be quite proud of the kitsch interior design, because she asks me if I like it and I have to admit I have lied to her, confessing I was in love with the cozy atmosphere
During the extremely short car trip, she has already introduced herself as
Isabela and I've also discovered she can speak some Italian, because she has also been to my country. In the Belpaese we don't actually consider Palermo as part of Italy

, but she's been there for some "operazione" (a surgery?). She is 24 y/o and, as expected, she claims to be a Romanian from the capital city.
She doesn't actually remove her golden catsuit and, once the bureaucracy has been settled and I've removed my trousers and underpants and I've lied over the mattress (which is along the side wall of the cargo section), she is already sitting aside my left thigh, with the condom in her hand.
She quietly shakes my Lil Bro for some time, then she applies the condom and the entertainment can begin. Also her BJ is done at a slow rhythm and without any special extra moves (I only remember some twisting of her head around my penis), which usually wouldn't be enough to wake up my friend. But it doesn't happen so often to have such a beautiful girl sitting aside me and the hormones do their dirty job by themselves, even if Isabela isn't definitely the queen of the BJ. She must actually be also quite sick, because every 20-30 seconds she has to stop and to cough: her wardrobe mustn't include too many heavy clothes and I can imagine she will soon get a bronchitis, if she doesn't visit a doctor. Before bending down to my Lil Bro again, she admits she is taking some pills to calm her soaring throat, but maybe it's time for anti-biotics ...
In the meanwhile, I can longly caress her back and her right leg, which both show a firm muscle tone. The former is wrapped by her golden catsuit, the latter is almost exposed to my hands, because the right leg is the one that is missing in her tight suit. I can't actually get a full contact with her skin, because it isn't summer yet and so she's also wearing a pair of transparent tights, but I can imagine that the texture is smooth, due to her young age.
After 7-8 minutes, Isabela lifts up again and she starts to rub my penis with both hands, but still at a relatively quiet frequency. When the 10 minutes are almost over, we hear her mate knocking on the van's door and asking whether Isabela has finished her task. The blondie tells her two times that she has two wait for another minute, but the mate must be deaf (or figuring to be ...) and she suddenly opens the side door, while Isabela is still busy on my Lil Bro! "Oh, Entschuldigung!", she exclaims, and she immediately closes the door again. The blondie understands that there is really no time left, so her rubbing becomes faster and more energetic, finally bringing me across the finish line. Not exactly the best HJ+BJ in my life, but at least I've scored my goal in the extra-time and I've qualified for the next match
While I clean and dress myself, she tells me that she normally remains until 5AM and that, if I'm interested in a longer and more comfortable meeting, there is a club which could be reached with a 5 minutes car trip. Her rate would be 100/150 euros for 30/60 minutes (plus the room), which isn't actually peanuts for my wallet, so I tell her that maybe I'll come and see her again the next evening.
I'm still wearing my shoes again and she goes to the door, which she partially opens, to talk in Romanian to her mate. I don't understand exactly what they are saying, but a couple of words are quite clear to me: "pizda" (i.e. the pussy) and "bani" (i.e. the money)

When I'm leaving the bus, I ask Isabela if also her pussy is aching and - with her laughing mood - she admits that not only her throat but also her Netherlands are on fire! Maybe it's a good idea that, after paying a visit to the doctor for her coughing, she also buys some Durex gel at the nearest Apoteke ... In the end, the "bani" are certainly not missing in her wallet
For tonight, I've already had enough (mis)adventures, so the last visit (the
dark haired girl who will prove to be
Madalina's cousin) can be postponed to the next evening. I just admire the impressive golden silhouette of Isabela for another thirty seconds ...
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... and then I leave the parking lot of the wuerstel stand, addressing my car to the hotel. By the way, I think I've seen her black-haired (and quite overweighted) mate at the middle of the Brunner, approximately 50 metres after Nicoletta's blue van.