
All veils and misty
Streets of blue
Almond looks
That chill divine
Some silken moment
Goes on forever
And we're leaving broken hearts behind

Mystify me
Mystify me

I need perfection
Some twisted selection
That tangles me
To keep me alive

In all that exists
None have your beauty
I see your face
I will survive

Eternally wild with the power
To make every moment come alive
All those stars that shine upon you
Will kiss you every night

All veils and misty
Streets of blue
Almond looks
That chill divine
Some silken moment
Goes on forever
And we're leaving
Yeah we're leaving broken hearts behind

You're eternally wild with the power
To make every moment come alive
All those stars that shine upon you
And they'll kiss you every night

Running, scrambling, flying

Rolling, turning, diving, going in again

Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die

Run, live to fly, fly to live. Aces high.

Iron Maiden - Aces High
It's a hell for heroes and heaven for fools,
what makes you the luckiest bastard on the earth
Children of Bodom - You're better of dead
Walker du weist doch sicherlich das die leber mit ihren aufgaben wächst!:lehrer:
How do you justify (you have no right)
The way you disgrace those who gave their lives
And how do you justify (you have no right)
The way you disrespect those whose loved ones died.

Everyday is a different crusade
You revolt from the safety of your fantasies
Privileged, you've never fought for a thing
You'd be the first to go if there was real anarchy
All your jargon makes me sick
You're the farthest thing from an activist
You've lost sight of what's important and real
You've taken your freedom and safety for granted

(How do you justify...)


This is dedicated to all those who gave their lives to uphold their beliefs
Not to those who try to demean their sacrifices
You have no right.

For those who fought our rights and for those who gave their lives.
And for the families whose love ones died.
It's their honor for which we still fight.

Hatebreed - We still fight
Flying through the air
side by side we dip bend and climb
Flying through the air so free
Feel them left behind below us
Flying through the air
Mad old you and me
We are going at just for kicks for kicks you'll see
That they'll wish they were you
Right along here with me
You and me.
Climbing through the sky
Leaving all our thoughts far away
CIimbing feel the stars up here
Touch your eyes and fall beside you
Side by side we soar
Me and you just glide
We are gaming in a fall a fall a fall we feel
But it's all in your mind
As we turn round and climb
Right back here.
Wo wo wo
Great white silver bird
Soars again to catch
Good old mister sun who hides who hides who hides for fun
But it's all in the game
Life is still all the same
Here we go.
Wo wo wo

Oliver Onions - Flying Through the Air

Bekannt aus dem Film "Zwei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle"
Wer das Lied nicht kennt gehört verprügelt.
(in alten Zeiten schwelg)
wie wahr...

Take this pink ribbon off my eyes
I'm exposed
And it's no big surprise
Don't you think I know
Exactly where I stand
This world is forcing me
To hold your hand

'Cause I'm just a girl, little ol' me
Don't let me out of your sight
I'm just a girl, all pretty and petite
So don't let me have any rights
Oh. . . I've had it up to here!

The moment that I step outside
So many reasons for me to run and hide
I can't do the little things
I hold so dear
'Cause it's all those little things
That I fear

'Cause I'm just a girl,
I'd rather not be
'Cause they won't let me drive
Late at night
I'm just a girl
Guess I'm some kind of freak
'Cause they all sit and stare
With their eyes
I'm just a girl
Take a good look at me
Just your typical prototype
Oh. . . I've had it up to here!

Oh. . . am I making myself clear?

I'm just a girl
I'm just a girl in the world. . .
That's all that you'll let me be!

I'm just a girl, living in captivity
Your rule of thumb
Makes me worry some
I'm just a girl, what's my destiny?
What I've succumbed to
Is making me numb
I'm just a girl, my apologies
What I've become is so burdensome
I'm just a girl, lucky me
Twiddle-dum there's no comparison

Oh. . . I've had it up to
Oh. . . I've had it up to
Oh. . . I've had it up to here.

just a girl - no doubt
What no ones knows is what you fear
Those thoughts you reject
Only horror hidden in time conceals what has been lost
Spitting into your own reflection, spewing hatred towards reality
Your just a speck of sand in an endless desert of agony
Horror of self
I must confront this
Confront the horror
Horrors of self
Must be confronted, to be forgiven
Horrors of self
Concealed by time, annihilate the past, let it be forgotten
Hatebreed - Horrors of self

Can you see these eyes glow? They feed on all your sorrow
I'm the man you tried to kill,but I can't disappear
You betrayed me, you double crossed me
You broke the trust I gave and now your fear is my slave
Blood for blood, revenge has come
Through the face of hate, I see the face of faith
I will bring you to your knees
Can you see these eyes glow? They feed on all your sorrow
I'm the man you tried to kill, but I can't disappear
I am resurrected, inside your deepest fear
Inside your darkest hour, inside your bleeding heart
Bleed for me...
No mercy...
I'm evwerything you can't imagine and more
Can you see these eyes glow? They feed on all your sorrow
I'm the man you tried to kill, but I can't disappear
I am resurrected, inside your deepest fear
Inside your darkest hour, inside your bleeding heart
Kataklysm - The Resurrected
Listen not to ones who preach
Those who feel you're a freak
Everything about you is wrong
You must be sick, you don't belong

Father said, worry not what they say
Use your mind, your own free will
In a time when everyone follows
Ignorance can kill

They only say what they want you to hear
Half-truths have been twisted to conceal your fate
In a world of spoon-fed emotion
Intelligence can save

Stand alone
Hear what I say
Stand alone
You will seize the day

Son, say what you mean, don't be afraid
Tell them how you feel, hear what I say
Be true to yourself and true to your own
Your spirit will crush the hearts of stone

Stand alone
Hear what I say
Stand alone
It's a leap of faith

Iced Earth - Stand alone
Da soll noch mal wer sagen im Metal gäbs nur Nonsense-Texte :nono:
If you look up to the sky, you can see a big hole up there.... well... you possible could, if it wasn't that cloudy

See the cemetery sky
Carmine red and deep
Watch the oceans rising high
It's the human stain

Talk about the growing hunger
Ask why with deep concern
Don't you think the human race
Is ceaselessly vain

But it hurts to be
Alive my friend
In this silent tide
We're driftwood passing by

Don't you wish you
Were a child again
Just for a minute
Just for a minute more

Hear the ticking of a clock
The sound of life itself
No one really wants to die
To save the world

Tell me that you're torn asunder
From how we fail to learn
And tell me if the Earth goes under
Where's your anger now

So it hurts to
Be alive, my friend
In this masquerade where
All one day must die

Don't you wish you
Were unborn again
Just for a minute
Just for a minute more

The ticking at the tear asunder
The beating from a heart of stone
The loss of your divine prosperity

'Cause it costs to
Be alive, my friend
And this life that someone
Merely gave to you

That's the price you take
Minute by minute
You beg for a minute more

Kamelot - The human Stain
Völker, hört die Signale!
Auf zum letzten Gefecht!
Die Internationale
erkämpft das Menschenrecht.
Franz Ferdinand - Villain
You toss in a word
And I'm your villain
I see the passion emerge
And I'm your villain

But serious, you're so serious
Like a waiter hating the rich, but taking their tips

And if I could laugh I'd love you
And if i could smile at anything you said
We could be laughing lovers
I think you'd prefer to be miserable instead
If I could laugh I'd love you
If I could love like anybody else

I know what I am
And I'm your villain
I don't give a damn if
I'm your villain
Because serious
You're so serious
But I've got ready salted
ready on your belly
If you want to have fun

See you later, baby see you later x8
Sun is shining
Sky is so blue
I'm filled with hope
It's promising
The course my life is taking
Searching of my truth has brought me here
Facing things with confidence
That all will be OK
Past is gone
Life goes on
Memories remain
I break the chain of misery and pain

Marching to a different drum
Shines my liberty
It's growing stronger every day
I feel it in me
Leading me to a different world
Freedom shows the way
It's there for you and me to find
It's heaven on earth

I'm standing here today and understand
There is no reason to hide anymore
So many things to see so many things to gain
My life is not in vain

Stratovarius - Liberty
Stephan Remmler - Keine Sterne in Athen
3-4-5 mal in einem Monat
haben wir uns Nachts gesehn
obwohl ich manchmal etwas müd' war
war es doch meistens gut und schön

Dann die Idee mit diesem Urlaub
statt selten sollt' es immer sein
ich war von Anfang an dagegen
das wird nicht gut gehen mit uns zwei'n.

Keine Sterne in Athen
stattdessen Schnaps in Sankt Kathrein
Ich hab den Urlaub nicht gewollt
du hast gesagt es müsste sein.

Keine Sterne in Athen
stattdessen Schnaps in Sankt Kathrein
Er hatt den Urlaub nicht gewollt
sie hat gesagt es müsste sein.

Drei Wochen lang zusammen leben
Wo uns kein Alltagsärger stört
Ich hab gewusst das geht daneben
Doch du hast nicht auf mir gehört

Die ganz Zeit sind wir zusammen
Sogar zum Frühstück wird gelacht
Doch wenn ich dich den ganzen Tag hab
Dann bin ich fertig für die Nacht

Keine Sterne in Athen
stattdessen Schnaps in Sankt Kathrein
Ich hab den Urlaub nicht gewollt
du hast gesagt es müsste sein.

Keine Sterne in Athen
stattdessen Schnaps in Sankt Kathrein
Er hatt den Urlaub nicht gewollt
sie hat gesagt es müsste sein.

Der Rhythmus wo ich immer mit muss
Das ist der Rhythmus von uns zwei'n
dann dauernd deine Kommentare
ich wollt ich wär zu Haus' allein

Keine Sterne in Athen
stattdessen Schnaps in Sankt Kathrein
Ich hab den Urlaub nicht gewollt
du hast gesagt es müsste sein.

Keine Sterne in Athen
stattdessen Schnaps in Sankt Kathrein
Er hatt den Urlaub nicht gewollt
sie hat gesagt es müsste sein.
Tief, Tiefer, Alkbottle

Der letzte Summa wor für'n Zimt,
Aner durt am ander'n schwimmt.
Und de Bangert san nur laut,
Aner'n andern in die Bap'n haut.

Irgendwo in Griechenland
Und de Bock san volla Sand
Und es staubt ma aus'm Gwand.

Noch zwanz'g, dreiß'g Uzos hob is g'merkt,
Der Alk der hot ma durt den Geist gestärkt
I find den Wirtn do zum Speib'm,
Doch mei family wü knotzen blei'm.

I bind de Gschroppn on an Bam
Und mei Oide drah i ham,
Setz mi ins Auto und fohr ham.


Niemerwieder fohr i furt
Pfeif auf den bled'n Schmäh, bleib daham in Bradnfurt,
Darauf gib i dir mei Wurt,
Wiavü Johr a no vergeh'n,
Niemehrwieder fohr i furt.

In dera scheiß Souflaki-Welt,
Wo am Heisl des Papier nua föht.
Erna Zaziki friss ich nicht,
Des foit ma eh glei wieder aus'm Gsicht.

Und des Hotel geht mir am Geist,
Do heast in Nochbarn wann er scheisst Und da Oidn ane reißt.

Oba no is net soweit,
Noch was zu tun befiehlt die Übelkeit.
Doch bevor der Magensaft
Dieses Gschloder über'd Gurgel rafft,
Speib i scho irgendwo am Strand,
A Toschntiachl in da Hand
Und wisch ma's Gspiebene vom Gwand.

Chorus (2 times)
