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Guten Tag,

Sorry not to write in German/Austrian but my english is definitively better.
I will come to your city in September and i would like 2 advices from you.

Does anyone know that woman ? She looks gorgeous and offer full services.,10383

and 2nd question
I read that AO sex was a kind of Vienna speciality ...and i found a lot of interesting posts here or ads in some website but do you know if you could find girls that fucks AO in the goldentime or Fun palast ?
I did not read anything about that.

Thanks for your attention and your replies.
Grüße von Frankreich
Does anyone know that woman ? She looks gorgeous and offer full services.,10383
I never met her but afaik she was working in the "Nordwestbahnstrasse" and you can find some reports about her service but they are quite contrary

I read that AO sex was a kind of Vienna speciality ...and i found a lot of interesting posts here or ads in some website but do you know if you could find girls that fucks AO in the goldentime or Fun palast ?
some guys claimed that they had AO sex at this locations (or at least know someone who knows someone that knows that someone ...) in exchange for some extra-money (approx. between 500 and 5000 ) but not all of them are trustworthy
you can find some of this conversations in the threads acc. to the appropriate locations
... Does anyone know this woman ? She looks gorgeous and offer full services.,10383

and 2nd question
I read that AO sex was a kind of Vienna speciality ...and i found a lot of interesting posts here or ads in some website but do you know if you could find girls that fucks AO in the goldentime or Fun palast ?
I did not read anything about that.

en anglais, monsieur ...

Lena has been active for at least five years and has received generally positive reviews in this forum. I had one good experience with her a couple of years ago: a half hour bareback for €110 or maybe €100. I finally came in her mouth and she swallowed every drop. I really should get around to fucking her again. She isn't wild or weird, just does honest good sex. I saw and chatted briefly with Lena (at that time in the Nordwestbahnstraße) about two months ago, after having screwed her voluptuous Bulgarian AO colleague Emi :lol:, who I can also warmly recommend. Lena looks pretty much like the pictures that you linked, at least if she hasn't been up the whole night. The prices in the Johnstraße 16 where she now works might be lower than those in the Nordwestbahnstraße.

I don't think you'll find too many users willing to write explicitly about AO possibilities in Goldentime or Funpalast. Your chances of finding AO service might be higher in the Funpalast, but you might find the atmosphere in Goldentime more agreeable.
you need to know, the owner/manager of GT (now in jail for playing with fire, though) used to proclaim
that he runs a zero-tolerance policy in regard to BB. a single case of disease would ruin a life's work he used to say.
meanwhile he is not in a position to demand too much, but still the policy applies. officially.
postings gelöscht. die herrschaften, die nach dem "grandmaster" Balbo fragen und hoffen, dass er bald wieder die "lufthoheit" über den thread übernimmt sollten mal an die eigene nase fassen und ihre lästigen offtopic-streitereien einstellen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
p "grandmaster" Balbo

Ausgezeichnete Al Bundy Anspielung!

Das Studio in der Romanogasse ist wieder ein Thema und die Laura ist wieder dort anzutreffen, wie im heutigen Kontaktbazarinserat zu lesen. AO ging laut verlässlicher Aussagen immer, also vielleicht auch jetzt noch. Am besten ihr ruft an und fragt danach. Da die Katja nun auch angeblich dort ist, erhärtet sich mein Verdacht, dass AO möglich ist, in diamantene Dimensionen

Die Bonita, die ja sehr gut sein soll, ist nun on der Neulerchenfelder Straße anzutreffen

Keine Berechtigung Bilder zu betrachten - Bild entfernt.

In der Arndtstrasse sind seit einiger Zeit immer wieder AO Anbieterinnen zu finden, wie zum Beispiel eine gewisse Roxana

Die Arndtstrasse 24 gehört zum Studio Wolfganggasse, was nun eine Info und keine Wertung ist. Kann sich jeder seinen Teil dazu denken.
a bisserl lästig finde ich diesen "ganz neu in Wien" - Stehsatz .... die Laura zB ist ja nicht einmal an dieser Adresse neu... fad irgendwie ;)
Das Studio in der Romanogasse ist wieder ein Thema und die Laura ist wieder dort anzutreffen, wie im heutigen Kontaktbazarinserat zu lesen. AO ging laut verlässlicher Aussagen immer, also vielleicht auch jetzt noch. Am besten ihr ruft an und fragt danach. Da die Katja nun auch angeblich dort ist, erhärtet sich mein Verdacht, dass AO möglich ist, in diamantene Dimensionen

Ist das die "" Laura?