Today's song in your head

Empty spaces - what are we living for.....


mein geschmack, mein leid, meine band, mein leben.......

noch eins, was ich zu meinen favs zähl
While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand
While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land
While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow
Till the mountains crumble into the plain
Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
Tread that fine line
Oh we'll keep on tryin' yeah
Just passing our time
While we live according to race, colour or creed
While we rule by blind madness and pure greed
Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion
Through the eons, and on and on
Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
We'll tread that fine line
Oh we'll keep on tryin'
Till the end of time
Till the end of time

Through the sorrow all through our splendour
Don't take offence at my innuendo

You can be anything you want to be
Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be
Be free with your tempo, be free be free
Surrender your ego - be free, be free to yourself

Oooh, ooh -
If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky
If there's a point, if there's a reason to live or die
If there's an answer to the questions we feel bound to ask
Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask
Oh yes we'll keep on trying
Hey tread that fine line
Yeah we'll keep on smiling yeah
And whatever will be - will be
We'll just keep on trying
We'll just keep on trying
Till the end of time
Till the end of time
Till the end of time

lg jedermann
the slackers - face in my crowd

für alle jene die nicht wissen wer die slackers san, feiner feiner ska, erster sahne!

lg, jerry
Heute das 2005er Album "PICARESQUE" von "THE DECEMBERISTS" - ganz feiner Indie-Folk-Rock aus Portland/Oregon.
Genialer Sound, tolle Songs - heißer Tipp :daumen:.
My sweet, lovely song tonight is: " It's a heartache - Bonnie Tyler "

It's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Hits you when it's too late
Hits you when you're down

It's a fool's game
Nothing but a fool's game
Standing in the cold rain
Feeling like a clown

It's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Love him till your arms break
Then he let's you down

It ain't right with love to share
When you find he doesn't care, for you
It ain't wise to need someone
As much as I depended on, you

It's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Hits you when it's too late
Hits you when you're down

Its a fool's game
Nothing but a fool's game
Standing in the cold rain
Feeling like a clown

It ain't right with love to share
When you find he doesn't care, for you
It ain't wise to need someone
As much as I depended on, you

It's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Love him till your arms break
Then he lets you down

It's a fool's game
Standing in the cold rain
Feeling like a clown

It's a heartache
Love him till your arms break
Then he lets you down

It's a fool's game
Standing in the cold rain...


Diesen Song widme ich meinem Herzen und dem Mann...der mich liebt...

"Paradise By The Dashboard Light" von Meat Loaf :oops:

I. paradise

I remember every little thing
As if it happened only yesterday
Parking by the lake
And there was not another car in sight
And I never had a girl
Looking any better than you did
And all the kids at school
They were wishing they were me that night

And now our bodies are oh so close and tight
It never felt so good, it never felt so right
And we’re glowing like the metal on the edge of a
Glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
C’mon! hold on tight!
C’mon! hold on tight!
Though it’s cold and lonely in the deep dark night
I can see paradise by the dashboard light


Ain’t no doubt about it
We were doubly blessed
Cause we were barely seventeen
And we were barely dressed

Ain’t no doubt about it
Baby got to go and shout it
Ain’t no doubt about it
We were doubly blessed


Cause we were barely seventeen
And we were barely dressed

Baby doncha hear my heart
You got it drowning out the radio
I’ve been waitin so long
For you to come along and have some fun

And I gotta let ya know
No you’re never gonna regret it
So open up your eyes I got a big surprise
It’ll feel all right
Well I wanna make your motor run

And now our bodies are oh so close and tight
It never felt so good, it never felt so right
And we’re glowing like the metal on the edge of a
Glowing like the metal on the edge of a knife
C’mon! hold on tight!
C’mon! hold on tight!

Though it’s cold and lonely in the deep dark night
I can see paradise by the dashboard light
Oh it’s cold and lonely in the deep dark night
Paradise by the dashboard light

You got to do what you can
And let mother nature do the rest
Ain’t no doubt about it
We were doubly blessed
Cause we were barely seventeen
And we were barely --

We’re gonna go all the way tonight
We’re gonna go all the way tonight’s the night

We’re gonna go all the way tonight
We’re gonna go all the way tonight’s the night

We’re gonna go all the way tonight
We’re gonna go all the way tonight’s the night

We’re gonna go all the way tonight
We’re gonna go all the way tonight’s the night

Radio broadcast:

Ok here we go, we got a real pressure cooker going
Here, two down, nobody on, no score, bottom of the ninth, there’s the wind-up,
And there it is, a line shot up the middle, look at him go. this boy can really
Fly! he’s rounding first and really turning it on now, he’s not letting up at
All, he’s gonna try for second; the ball is bobbled out in center, and here
Comes the throw, and what a throw! he’s gonna slide in head first, here he
Comes, he’s out! no, wait, safe - safe at second base, this kid really makes
Things happen out there. batter steps up to the plate here’s the pitch - he’s
Going, and what a jump he’s got, he’s trying for third, here’s the throw, its
In the dirt - safe at third! holy cow, stolen base! he’s taking a pretty big
Lead out there, almost daring him to try and pick him off. the pitcher glances
Over, winds up, and it bunted, bunted down the third base line, the suicide
Squeeze is on! here he comes, squeeze play, it’s gonna be close, here’s the
Throw, here’s th
E play at the plate, holy cow, I think he’s gonna make it!

Ii. let me sleep on it

Stop right there!
I gotta know right now!
Before we go any further --!

Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?
Do you need me?
Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your
Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?
Do you need me?
Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your
I gotta know right now
Before we go any further
Do you love me !!!?
Will you love me forever !!!?


Let me sleep on it
Baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it
I’ll give you an answer in the morning

Let me sleep on it
Baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it
I’ll give you an answer in the morning

Let me sleep on it
Baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it
I’ll give you an answer in the morning


I gotta know right now!
Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?
Do you need me?
Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your
I gotta know right now!
Before we go any further
Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?

What’s it gonna be boy?
Come on
I can wait all night
What’s it gonna be boy yes or no?
What’s it gonna be boy yes or no?


Let me sleep on it
Baby, baby let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it
And I’ll give you an answer in the morning


I gotta know right now!!!
Do you love me?


Let me sleep on it!!


Will you love me forever?


Baby baby let me sleep on it


Do you need me?
Will you never leave me?


Let me sleep on it


Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?


Let me sleep on it I’ll give you an answer in the morning!! morning!!!!
I’ll tell you in the morning!!!!!


Will you take me away, will you make me your wife?

I gotta know right now
Before we go any further
Do you love me?
Will you love me forever?


Let me sleep on it


Will you love me forever?


Let me sleep on it


Will you love me forever?

Iii. praying for the end of time


I couldn’t take it any longer
Lord I was crazed
And when the feeling came upon me
Like a tidal wave
I started swearing to my God and on my mother’s
That I would love you to the end of time
I swore that I would love you to the end of time!

So now I’m praying for the end of time
To hurry up and arrive
Cause if I gotta spend another minute with you
I don’t think that I can really survive
I’ll never break my promise or forget my vow
But God only knows what I can do right now
I’m praying for the end of time
It’s all that I can do
Praying for the end of time, so I can end my time
With you!!!


It was long ago and it was far away
And it was so much better than it is today


It never felt so good
It never felt so right
And we were glowing like
A metal on the edge of a knife

Wir sind uns vorher nie begegnet,
doch ich hab dich schon lang vermisst.
Auch wenn ich dich zum ersten Mal hier treff,
ich wusste immer wie du aussiehst.
Mit dir will ich die Pferde stehln,
die uns im Wege sind.
Ich geh mir dir durch dick und dünn
bis an das Ende dieser Welt.

Leg deinen Kopf an meine Schulter,
es ist schön, ihn da zu spürn,
und wir spielen Bonnie und Clyde.
Komm, wir klauen uns ein Auto,
ich fahr dich damit rum
und wir spielen Bonnie und Clyde.

Was wir zum Leben brauchen,
werden wir uns schon irgendwie holen.
Wir rauben ein paar Banken aus
oder einen Geldtransport.
Wir schießen zwei, drei, vier, fünf Bullen um,
wenn es nicht mehr anders geht.
Jeder weiß genau, was er da tut,
wenn er uns aufhalten will.

Leg deinen Kopf an meine Schulter,
es ist schön, ihn da zu spüren,
und wir spielen Bonnie und Clyde.
Auch wenn uns die ganze Welt verfolgt,
wir kümmern uns nicht drum,
denn wir sind Bonnie und Clyde.

Wenn uns der Boden untern den Füßen brennt,
machen wir uns aus dem Staub.
In den Bergen hängen wir alle ab,
die etwas von uns wollen.
Lebendig kriegen sie uns nie,
egal wie viele es sind.
"Tod oder Freiheit" soll auf unserem Grabstein stehn.

Leg deinen Kopf an meine Schulter,
es ist schön ihn da zu spüren,
und wir spielen Bonnie und Clyde.
Komm wir bomben uns durchs Leben
und öffnen jede Tür,
denn wir sind Bonnie und Clyde.

Leg deinen Kopf an meine Schulter,
es ist schön, ihn da zu spüren,
und wir spielen Bonnie und Clyde.
Unsere Liebe soll ein Sprengsatz sein,
der ständig explodiert.
Du bist Bonnie, ich bin Clyde.

wo bist du clyde???
Das neue Lied der Red Hot Chilli Peppers, das neue Album kommt ja bald raus, hat das schon jemand gehört?
Das ganze Album nicht - aber "Dani California" schon öfter...hmm..schlecht ists nicht...aber es gibt mMn weit bessere RHCP-Lieder.

Aber das Video ist spitze :daumen: (<-Stream)

Wär ein Quiz wert - wer kann alle "imitierten" Bands nennen? :mrgreen:

Das Lied find ich naja, aber über das Video hab ich viel gelacht.
Ich würd mal sagen:
- Elvis
- Buddy Holly
- Beatles
- Jimi Hendrix
- Bowie
- Sex Pistols
- Kiss oder Misfits ?
- Prince
- irgendeine amerikanische "Hardrock"-Band wie Def Leppard oder der junge Bon Jovi ?
- Nirvana
- Marilyn Manson? Rammstein?
( das wär dann auch chronologisch einigermaßen korrekt )

Einiges kann ich nicht zuordnen. Sind G'N'R dabei?
Oder Elvis? Mötley Crüe? Alles, was hier
aufgezählt wird, kann ich nicht finden...
Children of Bodom - Hate Crew Deathroll

Come on!

Hey! Don't tell us what you want,
cuz we don't give a fuck about you and your kind.
You! You better take a step back where ever the fuck you came from.
No! You ain't one of us and to be tag along you're too ugly and blunt.
Why?! Is it so hard to get that we don't need you, stupid cunt!

If you don't know how to resent one another,
to gain the new way of power,
it'll get to the point where no one gives a fuck
what you may think of us or what you may not.

Stop! Are you ever gonna stop tryin' to be on the way that we wanna go?
Fuck! It's pissing the fuck out of us when you don't understand the word
'no' !
Now, you're tellin' that you'll win the war that's only battled cuz you're
too dumb to die. That's right! You can take your war and shove it up your
ass, then close your eyes and say goodbye.

If you don't know how to resent one another,
to gain the new way of power,
it'll get to the point where no one gives a fuck
what you may think of us or what you may not.

We're hate crew, we stand and we won't fall...
We're all for none and none for all.
Fuck you! We'll fight til' the last hit
And we sure as hell ain't taking no shit!
Das Lied find ich naja, aber über das Video hab ich viel gelacht.
Ich würd mal sagen:
- Elvis
- Buddy Holly
- Beatles
- Jimi Hendrix
- Bowie
- Sex Pistols
- Kiss oder Misfits ?
- Prince
- irgendeine amerikanische "Hardrock"-Band wie Def Leppard oder der junge Bon Jovi ?
- Nirvana
- Marilyn Manson? Rammstein?
( das wär dann auch chronologisch einigermaßen korrekt )

Einiges kann ich nicht zuordnen. Sind G'N'R dabei?
Oder Elvis? Mötley Crüe? Alles, was hier
aufgezählt wird, kann ich nicht finden...

So ganz bin ich mit dem auf wikipedia auch nicht einverstanden:

Da steht zB es soll nicht Sex Pistols sondern Iggy & the Stooges sein.
Für mich ist das aber eindeutig Sex Pistols!

Buddy Holly soll´s angeblich auch nicht sein - nur die Beatles - das könnt stimmen.

Prince auch nicht - das ist Hendrix - ich hab zuerst aber auch an Prince gedacht.

Die Metalband ist angeblich Poison (stimmt wahrscheinlich)

Die "Industrialband" wo du glaubst es ist Manson oder Rammstein, könnt unter Umständen die "früheren" NIN sein - die Skeletthandschuhe kommen mir irgendwie bekannt vor (Video von "Head like a Hole" glaub ich), nur die Frisur passt nicht, Trent Raznor hatte da Dreadlocks.
Bulldozzer - Bboy MC (DJ Manian Remix)
C-Bool - House Baby (Verano Remix)
DJ Mafia presents Nasty Deejays - Pussy Pussy (Clubraiders Remix)
Peter Damir & Charly Brown - Bomba
Damn I wanna be your lover - En Vogue

My heart's in chains
And still remains in Deja Vu
But first I wanna spend the night with you
Everything you need
Come get it from me
Set your emotions free

Oh, yes baby
Come on and give in the name of love
And let our bodies slowly touch
Tonight let's move on

Yes I do
Take you to be
How about you and me
Damn I wanna be your lover
Don't refuse
Cuz I need you
Damn I wanna be your lover

(I wanna be your love, your lover, oh baby, yeah, yeah)

Why don't you stay
Desert will make you
Call out my name
My first and my last name
That shei s being
All you'll ever need
To take you higher than eyes can see

Oh, yes baby
Why don't you give in the name of love
And let our bodies be common
Cuz tonight I wanna give you all
Baby, let's move on

(I wanna be your lover, your lover, your lover, baby)

I don't wanna have to compromise
The things you make me visualize
Intuition keeps on telling me
These emotions need to be set free

Don't you want to give it to me
We'll feel the heaven's prophecy
Take a visit to my paradise
We can hang around
For the rest of our lives


For my lovely heart only..........I love you

Mew - And the Glass Handed Kites

kennt ahrscheinlich kein Schwein, sollte man aber.
Eine großartige dänische Band, die meldiösen, bombastischen, poppigen Prog Rock machen. Man nehme ein bissl Sigur Ros, Mogwai und Oceansize, mische sie mit The Mars Volta und Brit Pop. Fertig. Einige Songs wie "Apocalypso" oder "The Zookeeper's Boy" kriegt man den ganzen Tag nicht aus den Ohren...:daumen: