Was ist die Farbe deiner Seele?

Der Nationalitättest ist cool:

Your inner nationality is:


You are a true lifesaver and a wonderful human being. You have been an unsung hero for so many people in your life. You've done amazing things for others without ever asking for a return. You've been a voice for the voiceless, and a true champion of altruism. You also respect those who have different perspectives. The qualities that most of us lack, you have maintained gracefully. It's not far-fetched to say you've already won at life!
keine Farbe, da Schwarz ja keine Farbe ist.

Aluhut auf und Tachyonen-Hemd an? Und wehe, es dreht sich was in die verkehrte Richtung.
Your soul's color is:
A red soul type implies love, compassion, and benevolence. These are the core aspects of your life. You love helping people more than anything. You've put smiles on many faces, and healed the sorrows of countless others. The things you've done and continue to do inspire people to never give up and be grateful for what they have. But even more so, they're remarkably grateful for your soul.
Da angeblich schwarz keine Farbe ist, habe ich eine vollkommen farblose Seele. :haha: