Was wir nicht leiden können,

... das manche user andere als beschränkt und primitiv bezeichnen dürfen...... anscheinend ohne konsequenzen ... sonderbar !?
wenn mein hund nach meinem schlapfen schnappt obwohl da mein fuss auch drin ist :mad:
... beim gestrigen gerätetraining unbeabsichtigt mit dem unterarm zwischen zwei hunderl gekommen zu sein (rottweiler und schäfer), welche sich zum fressen gerne hatten und anstatt sich selber genüsslich den unterarm schnappten......... autschhhhhhhh........ *ggg*
:nono: auch falsch gelesen: 1:1............ :mrgreen:


freunderlwirtschaften !!!!!!!!!!!!
immer diese fürn holler-diskussionen wenn wichtigere personen auf eine pn warten :mrgreen:

ja, i tu schon :oops:
Wie ignorant und dumm kann man eigentlich sein :mauer: :mauer: :mauer:

David Clout, a famous Christian Evangelist says in his article ‘The Sad Life of Freddie Mercury’: “Events surrounding the funeral of Rock Singer Freddie Mercury of Queen clearly reflect the mindset of the days of Apocalypse. Freddie Mercury was a homosexual. He denigrated the Kingdom of God. He revolted against the laws of the Bible. His songs were like the anthems of Homosexuals. Most of his songs were indecent and evil. He drove his fans off balance with his indecent dance movements in his music events. His music tours were filled with snake charmers, hermaphrodites, nudists and vulgar dancers. Freddie Mercury lived an undisciplined life filled with heresy and sin, banned drugs and total materialism. He had homosexual partners all over the world. Freddie Mercury died of AIDS complications in 1991. He received his just wages from God.”

Father Kenneth Johnston’s take on this was like this: “When Freddie Mercury died in his four million pound mansion, he left properties worth fifteen million pounds to his friends and relatives. He did not carry anything beyond his grave. He was a great singer but he used this boon to serve the Satan. What a pity! Where is Freddie Mercury today? A life of drunken indiscipline and satanic music can end only this way after the Judgement. Neither his wealth nor his fame can save him from the wrath of God. Freddie Mercury followed a false religion called Zoroastrianism instead of Jesus. He spent months planning his final rites, but forgot to prepare his soul to meet the real God. According to reports, Zoroastrian priests in white muslin habits and caps chanted and sang their religious songs in praise of Ahura Mazda and prayed for redemption of his departed soul. Freddie Mercury did not ascend to Heaven! Why? Is it because he was a homosexual? Of course, not! That is because Freddie Mercury did not accept the teachings of the true prophet, the Jesus Christ!”
leute die einen auf die frage:"wollen sie zusammen oder seperat die rechnung begleichen?" mit der antwort kommen:"nein getrennt!"
leute die einen auf die frage:"wollen sie zusammen oder seperat die rechnung begleichen?" mit der antwort kommen:"nein getrennt!"

immer kannst eben nicht eingeladen werden. *g*

ps: ich sollte wirklich lesen lernen. *g*
nach 2 jahren einen alten freund zu treffen und ned zu wissen was ich anziehen soll :mad: :mauer::mauer::mauer: