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Ok, ich hab heute Nacht wieder meine Frau gebumst, wie immer ist sie gut mitgegangen, nur beim Blasen ist sie immer sehr zaghaft. Bitte seht von Anfragen wegen Kontaktdaten ab, denn das Ganze ist Privat
Hello :)
gibt es dir noch und wenn ja kannst du mit bitte die Nummer schicken :)

mfg Mario
Ok, to start off, I'm writing this Erfahrungsbericht in English because I wish to do it justice and my German just isn't that great... Now, I haven't heard many positive things about Studio Relaxe (Stolberggasse), so it was with some trepidation that I decided to book one of their ladies. First choice was Nelly - I was told she was on vacation and was thus unavailable. So on to the next choice! I settled with Selina, but two hours before the arranged date, I received a call from the studio apologizing that Selina was unwell. Ok, not the best beginning, right? So then I asked which girls would be available, and I was given the choice between Mary, Erika, and Vicky. I had read a rather unpleasant set of reviews about Erika, and Mary is a bit old for me, so I went with Vicky, even though I have to say her hairstyle is an acquired taste. If my head had been doing the thinking instead of my penis, I probably would have called the entire operation off. Thank god I didn't!! :hurra:

Promptly at the arranged time, Vicky arrived on my doorstep. First things first - the description on the homepage is wrong. This girl's taller than 170cm - probably closer to 173 or 174. And she's drop-dead gorgeous. Perhaps not so slim as on the photos, but she looks incredibly natural - not like those other starving girls you see... Business taken care of (100€ for an hour, AO would be possible for +10€), she called the driver and let him know she'd be done in an hour. I offered her some drinks, we engaged in some smalltalk. Once again, the homepage is wrong - she's only 21 years old (not 23), been in Vienna for four months. Considering that, her German is great! While talking, perhaps noticing my shyness, she started touching me a little - a light brush on the arm here, a suggestive stroke there, and before I knew it, we were kissing passionately. This girl's a great kisser! Playful, passionate, anything and everything your heart can desire! One thing led to the next, and before I knew it, I was lying there, naked, with her giving me a blowjob. If I had to be critical of Vicky, I would say that here blowjob skills are a bit lacking... but I understand everyone likes something different.

The next 40 minutes were a bit of a blur, really. Missionary, cowgirl, doggy - we covered all the classics. The cowgirl had to be the best, though. Near-constant eye contact, kissing, her nibbling at my ear. I think she was riding me for a whole 20-25 minutes. Her stamina is commendable! Simply phenomenal. :mrgreen: I think this is as close to GFS as is possible in this trade...

Roughly 50 mins into the date, I got up to get us both some water. The poor girl was exhausted and quite amazed at how I'd managed to keep up... We finished up with a nice Kuschel-Session and some general talking. 5 minutes before the hour was up, she asked to be shown to the shower, and then it was time for here to leave. :cry:

Now, I know this might seem suspicious - such a positive review about a studio that has a pretty bad reputation. It might be that Vicky just liked me, could be that the chemistry just worked. Whatever it was, it was probably one of the best hours of my life! I really recommend the escort service Studio Relaxe offers - the price difference isn't large, and the atmosphere is far better (hopefully) than in some small, dark room in a studio where you can hear everything going on around you. I am writing this review only because I hope Vicky will profit from the positive feedback, even though I'd like to keep her to myself only!!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to my living room, where the seductive scent of her perfume still lingers. Gentlemen, I request that you treat her well and with respect!

Wiederholungsgefahr: 110%
Naja, mir hat sie vier Monate gesagt... Das mit ihrem Alter muss ja auch nicht stimmen, aber ab und zu muss man den Mädels halt vertrauen, oder?
Vienna Fuck Marathon:

1. Julia, Arbeitergasse 42a - 60 mins, WHF 50%
2. Rebeka, Rembrandt 12 - 30 mins, WHF 99%
3. Maya, Rembrandt 12 - 30 mins, WHF 90%
4. Roxy, Arbeitergasse 42a - 30 mins, WHF 80%


Zeitraum 12:00 - 19:00 Uhr
4 Girls
6x abgespritzt
1 Schachtel Tschigg
5 Bier
~ 300 €

danach wieder entsaftet nach Hause, war ne geile Tour! Nächstes Mal 2-tägig
Kennt wer dieses hübsche Ding?

Ich glaub ich sollte heute doch noch mal ausser Haus ;-)

Der Spruch "Mit meinem schlanken Körper und meinen wohlgeformten Brüsten werde ich dir den Verstand rauben" ist die Standard-Zeile in der Schönbrunnerstr. 95, und soo neu ist Maya auch nicht, die war im Frühjahr vor einem Jahr auch schon mal dort.
Ich habe in der Schönbrunner 95 öfter mal reingeschaut (günstige Lage, wenn ich in Wien bin), aber ich kann mich dort nur an ein einziges hübsches Mädchen erinnern, das war eine Bella im Sommer 2012. Die war zauberhaft, aber leider nur zwei oder drei Wochen da und seitdem habe ich sie leider auch nirgends mehr gefunden.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
(Drei Schwangerschafts-Abbrüche pro Woche) Falls es jemanden interesiert unser Raucherschutzminister Alois ST. hat den Pharmafirmen schon im vorraus das Ok. für die Pille danach gegeben.Das Resultat minderjährige Mädchen nehmen nach jedem Verkehr eine Pille, und das ist Gesundheitspolitik auf Österreichisch.

Was für ein Blödsinn.