

Hatte gestern Abend mein ersten fisting bei einer Frau gemacht.
Ich muss sagen es war voi geil. Und für sie erst
Aber irgendwie unvorstellbar,ich bin 205 cm groß und habe Riesen Hände.
Das sowas nicht schmerzt.
Sie ist dabei wie ein Zäpfchen abgegangen.

Stehen mehr frauen auf fisting.
Hätte gerne Erfahrungsberichte


Applaus gibt es erst wenn du dir selbst beide Hände in den Popo steckst, gleichzeitig alle meine Entchen singst und mit den Händen in deinem Popo den Takt dazu klatscht.

A couple was transported to the hospital in a very awkward position last night after a man somehow got his head stuck in his wife’s vagina during a strange sexual game.
Tom and Janis Morrison, a young couple from the small town of Greensboro in Alabama, called 911 around 10:00 pm last night Despite Ms. Irving’s doubts, she sent an ambulance on the site and the paramedics rapidly realized that the situation was in fact very serious.Bill Austin, one of the paramedics who transported the couple, claims they were lying naked on their bed and partially covered in blood.
.“The woman kept screaming out in pain whenever the guy moved, but he had half of his face buried in there and he looked like he was going through Hell
According to data collected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 3,213 couples were hospitalized for such problems across the country in 2015 and 3,789 in 2016.According to the same data, the Morrison’s are not the first couple to be hospitalized for a head stuck inside a vaginal cavity an elderly couple from Limpopo experienced the exact same thing.However TheMorrison’s are the first couple since October 2007 to have this happen to them.


A couple was transported to the hospital in a very awkward position last night after a man somehow got his head stuck in his wife’s vagina during a strange sexual game.
Tom and Janis Morrison, a young couple from the small town of Greensboro in Alabama, called 911 around 10:00 pm last night Despite Ms. Irving’s doubts, she sent an ambulance on the site and the paramedics rapidly realized that the situation was in fact very serious.Bill Austin, one of the paramedics who transported the couple, claims they were lying naked on their bed and partially covered in blood.
.“The woman kept screaming out in pain whenever the guy moved, but he had half of his face buried in there and he looked like he was going through Hell
According to data collected by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 3,213 couples were hospitalized for such problems across the country in 2015 and 3,789 in 2016.According to the same data, the Morrison’s are not the first couple to be hospitalized for a head stuck inside a vaginal cavity an elderly couple from Limpopo experienced the exact same thing.However TheMorrison’s are the first couple since October 2007 to have this happen to them.

So dumm die menschheit
Frage an die "Jungs". Wer von euch fistet seine eigene Eichel oder andere Körperöffnungen wie z.B. eines seiner Nasenlöcher?