Studios Österreich-Massage Vösendorf (ehem. Hausfeldstrasse 25)

Kann ich dir leider nichts sagen. Ich vermute mal sie ist vielleicht über Dezember in der Heimat und kommt dann wieder oder hat etwas anderes gefunden. Schade, ich hatte die Stunde damals echt genossen mit ihr …
Wenn sich jetzt bitte noch alle anderen melden würden, die "nichts sagen können" und eine "Vermutung" haben. :giggle:

Mit "42" ist diese Frage, die genau genommen überhaupt keine Frage war, doch eigentlich bereits hinreichend beantwortet.
Vor Weihnachten auch noch Jana besucht, ist neben Angei ( T4You ) meine zweite Favoritin.
Perfekt wie immer
Ist ab morgen wieder da, werde schauen ob ich morgen hinkomme.

Weiß jemand schon etwas über Lidia ?
I read here about Jana’s legendary kissing and had to experience it myself. You guys weren’t kidding.

Made an apt several days beforehand. As someone from out of town, the studio location isn’t very convenient but I make it there. Once shown to my room, Jana comes in and warmly greets me. Since it’s my first time visiting her, she gave an overview of her service, asked if it was okay, and then informed me time doesn’t start until she goes to shower as well, and she leaves for a few minutes. I appreciated her professional communication from the start.

Anyways, when she returned, she started her program with intensive kissing that lasted nearly half an hour. Personally, too long for me (as my lips are still sore over 24hrs later) but she clearly knew what she was doing and it was erotic, so I’m not really complaining. Followed by sex in various positions and it was exceptional. Of course Jana has no fear of contact and it was GFS at its finest.

Would I go back? Well, I already have another appointment scheduled as I write this review, so obviously 100% yes.

This is our esteemed Jana! 🙊
I read here about Jana’s legendary kissing and had to experience it myself. You guys weren’t kidding.

Made an apt several days beforehand. As someone from out of town, the studio location isn’t very convenient but I make it there. Once shown to my room, Jana comes in and warmly greets me. Since it’s my first time visiting her, she gave an overview of her service, asked if it was okay, and then informed me time doesn’t start until she goes to shower as well, and she leaves for a few minutes. I appreciated her professional communication from the start.

Anyways, when she returned, she started her program with intensive kissing that lasted nearly half an hour. Personally, too long for me (as my lips are still sore over 24hrs later) but she clearly knew what she was doing and it was erotic, so I’m not really complaining. Followed by sex in various positions and it was exceptional. Of course Jana has no fear of contact and it was GFS at its finest.

Would I go back? Well, I already have another appointment scheduled as I write this review, so obviously 100% yes.
Cheers for your report. :) May i ask you, which age would you give her in terms of appearance? (I know, others things matter more) I am curious to know.

And thanks forward.
Homepage ist echt nice. würde mir nur mal 1-2 Damen im Segment zwischen 25-30 wünschen.

P.S Die Öffnungszeiten unter "Jobs" zu verstecken ist mal ne Maßnahme :D :D :D
Homepage ist echt nice. würde mir nur mal 1-2 Damen im Segment zwischen 25-30 wünschen.

P.S Die Öffnungszeiten unter "Jobs" zu verstecken ist mal ne Maßnahme :D :D :D

Die neue HP ist echt toll geworden.
Gratulation dazu.

Und zur Aufklärung die Öffnungszeiten stehen auch unter Ambiente.
Sehe hier: AMBIENTE - Österreich Massage - Wien.
Bei den Jobs steht Sie glaube ich nur wegen den Mädels das Sie wissen wie Ihre Arbeitszeiten aussehen.
Gibt eh schon genug Berichte zu Jana, daher halte ich mich kurz: War kürzlich das erste Mal bei ihr, top Service und ganz klare Empfehlung meinerseits.