(Gelöschter Account)
Hello 18,5!Sexbusiness in your country is very poor, but i can not recognize why?
The main reason is in the corrupt legal system: prostitution is just de-criminalized. A woman may be a prostitute but organization of prostitution is illegal and can be punished severely by the law.
Laufhaus, borthel or FKK clubs are prohibited and the ownership is punishable by prison sentence. This is the worst that may happen: there is total anarchy, no supervision over the health and no proper professional organization.
Simply: a woman, usually an ugly one, decides to make money and gives advertisement in newspaper. Those better looking go anyway over the border to work in Austria.
Another reason is the lack of tradition: people predominantly have no idea what they can get and what does that in reality costs.
The third is lack of money, but regarding that I am a lucky guy.