Studios Landstraßer Gürtel 35, 1030 Wien.

Ich muss mich hier ganz offiziell bei Dino bedanken, der mir Laura ans Herz gelegt hatte - diese Frau ist eine Naturgewalt (die auch ganz zärtlich sein kann) - war heute früh bei ihr und bin immer noch ganz 'high' von ihr - ich fürchte, sie könnte mich süchtig machen ;-)
Hallo liebe Hexenbesucher.

Heute habe ich mal wieder vor, den Hexen einen Besuch abzustatten. Leider bin ich das letzte Mal gehörig eingefahren. Ich weiß nicht mal mehr, wie das Mädl hieß ... nur noch, dass sie eine junge blonde Ungarin war.
Aber nachdem ich schon bei Petra und Nikol gute Erfahrungen machte, solls heute wieder so weit sein.

Eine Frage an die Hexenbesucher.
Hat jemand von euch schon mal gefragt, ob sich die Damen filmen lassen? Ich steh drauf, mir das später zu Hause anzusehen ... ja ist halt ein fetisch von mir :)
Leider trau ich mich das nicht zu fragen ... bin da zu schüchtern und es is mir auch zu peinlich :( Es is mir eigentlich auch peinlich überhaupt in den Puff zu gehen, aber ich hab nun mal Bedürfnisse und meine Frau will/kann mir die nicht erfüllen.
Aber vielleicht hat ja einer von euch das ja schon mal versucht und es hat geklappt.
Heute werde ich wohl mal wieder zu den Hexen gehen und ich hätte mir auch wieder Petra (mit der ich ja schon das Vergnügen hatte) ausgesucht. Alternativ Sandra oder Carina, über die man beide ja Gutes liest, und sie auch da sind. Alexa würde mich auch noch reizen -> ich steh auf blond.
"Schau mal, Liebling, was ich da auf Deinem Smartphone gefunden habe. Ist ja urgeil, das. Das müssen wir auch einmal so machen. Und der Schauspieler schaut sogar ein bisschen aus wie Du! Oder ... warte ... der schaut nicht nur aus ... "
:ironie: ... oder doch nicht? Bleib vorsichtig! :hau:
Nach einer höchst angenehmen Stunde, die ich kürzlich mit Laura verbringen durfte, kann ich nur in die früheren Lobeshymnen aller Kollegen einstimmen. GFE vom Feinsten mit einer Frau, die lieber küsst als quatscht :) Sehr freundlich, wunderbare Präsenz, keine Hast, perfekte Mischung aus Eigeninitiative und Eingehen auf meine Signale.
9 von 10 Punkten in einem Ranking, in dem 10 fast nie vergeben wird, und hohe Wiederholungsgefahr!
Hat jemand von euch schon mal gefragt, ob sich die Damen filmen lassen? Ich steh drauf, mir das später zu Hause anzusehen ... ja ist halt ein fetisch von mir :)
Leider trau ich mich das nicht zu fragen ...
meiner erfahrung nach ist filmen ein service das sehr selten aber doch öfter als man glaubt "inoffiziell" für vertrauenswürdige stammkunden angeboten wird. es braucht dir auch gar nicht peinlich sein. frag einfach. es gibt keine service anfrage die eine SW noch nicht gehört hat. die SWs werden, selbst wenn sie etwas nicht machen, dich (und vor allem dein geld) nicht deswegen für ''normales" service sperren.
First and , I apologize that my report will be in English. But even in English, I use a gugl translater, and that's not my native language. I'm afraid if I still translate into German, the sense of the story would be lost.
I see that a lot of your good English, and those who do not know can translate with a translator

28.11. I visited the studio. At present, Dita ,Sandra and Vanessa or Diana are not sure.I asked if some other girl would be free later on? I was told she would be free Laura in 20 minutes.I went back after 20 minutes and Laura was here. As soon as I saw it, there was no dilemma.
Laura is Amazon's wife.I'm 190 cm tall, and Laura is just a bit lower than me.She asked me what my wishes are. I said nothing special. I paid for 45 minutes. A phenomenal big breast. And the butt in which I would be lost.The breasts are heavy and hard. Pretty face and lips like sin.She took me to the room and offered me a drink. After showering, we started kissing. Oh, my God, how she loves me. I completely lost her mouth and tongue.I sucked her tits and slammed her ass. What a goddess, Venus.We were lying on the bed and so it blow me dick that I thought it grew and was bigger than ever.She put her vagina above my face and I could lick her and I love her.Then she put a condom on me and pulled me up and shoved her hips as I kept her tits.After a short time, we switched to Doggy. I nipped it lightly, and afterward, all the time, until I finished.I was lying happy on my stomach. She started to massage me with her breasts. What a massage, her breasts on my back, neck, shoulders, ass.She gave me a soft kiss.Before and after the show, we were very comfortable talking in English.
29.11.I came back to the studio again.There were Dita, Sandra and Mia. Of course I asked for Mia
Mia was built as a model, And what kind of a model, world-wide. We went to the room. After showering, we lit up on the bed.I started to love her and stroke her ass, her breasts. Her skin is like a touch of silk.I loved her body and went down to the pussy that was completely dispersed with beautiful pussy lips.I fucked her with tongue.Then 69.
I licked her from the back to the belly on the stomach.After changing a couple of poses, I filled a condom.She was lying beside me and she waved me on the body.We talked somehow even though she does not speak English.She gave me kisses and a longing look.
And with Laura and Mia, I did not have the feeling that I paid for sex for a moment. Everything was so natural. At any moment, I felt great and loved.
In this studio you get not only sex but also love.
Both girls did something incredible. I felt like they loved me. Their views, kisses, actions ... were like my first girls in my youth.
I was not with the other girls in the studio, but I believe that they are all like that. The ones I saw in the passage or in the hall had the same attitude.
On Saturday, the studio unfortunately did not work, so I visited the other and I had a disastrously bad experience. That's when I left Vienna.I had the wish to visit the first Channel and then some other girls in the studio. And I will do it during my next visit to Vienna.It does not happen to me to ever go to another studio anymore in sexyhexi.
Since English was not my mother language, I could not fully understand my experience and satisfaction, but I hope that I am a bit delicately.
Thanks for your report and the effort you put into it. Glad you has a good time at the SHs … and don't worry, your words were absolutely understandable and highly valuable for the visitors to the Forum. I share your very positive views on Mia.
so I visited the other and I had a disastrously bad experience.
You may not (and perhaps should not) go into greater detail about your bad experience in the other studio (not Sexyhexi), but you could share which studio it was and (if you wish) the name of the girl. But this is up to you.
Thanks for your report and the effort you put into it. Glad you has a good time at the SHs … and don't worry, your words were absolutely understandable and highly valuable for the visitors to the Forum. I share your very positive views on Mia.

You may not (and perhaps should not) go into greater detail about your bad experience in the other studio (not Sexyhexi), but you could share which studio it was and (if you wish) the name of the girl. But this is up to you.
Negative experience in Kontakthof.
I was there after opening 10 H. He wandered in the hallways and knocked on the door, but nobody opened it. At the end he ended up with Romanian Sarah.Everything was bad so I would not write about it, and I'll re-live something that is an unpleasant experience.
Laura is Amazon's wife.I'm 190 cm tall, and Laura is just a bit lower than me.

Laura is 170 cm tall without her high heels :)