Studios Relaxe Lounge - 1150 Löschenkohlgasse 22

uner schmusen verstehen die was anderes als das w as ich geschrieben hab desswegen hab ich ja gefragt

deiner antwort entnehme ich nichts aufklärendes somit muss man annehmen dass sie nicht das macht wonach ich gefragt habe

details sind wichtig
War bislang 2x in der Relaxe Lounge. Die Mädels waren immer süß, das Lokal sauber und die Stimmung nett bis heiter. Die Mädels lassen sich auch charmant überreden, "zu mehrt" das Zimmer aufzusuchen :winner: - wie ihr am Smiley seht, habe ich mich wohl gefühlt. Ach ja: Und es gibt ausreichend Kaffee und Cola, für mich als "Koffein-Freund" ist das danach ebenso wichtig, wie für die Nikotin-Freunde die Zigarette:down: danach :hurra:
Vienna ist not "that big", you can bridge nearly every distance by Taxi or by public transport. One hotel that would be close to both locations (in the upper sense) is: Renaissance Wien Hotel

...but a lot depends on your preferences, with reagrd to hotel recommendations.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Vienna ist not "that big", you can bridge nearly every distance by Taxi or by public transport. One hotel that would be close to both locations (in the upper sense) is: Renaissance Wien Hotel

...but a lot depends on your preferences, with reagrd to hotel recommendations.

Thanks!:) Can you tell me If "Relax Lounge" is a place with good reputation in Vienna? I have check the video on their site and it looks like a bar where you can have few drinks and select a girl you like. Am I wrong?
Thanks!:) Can you tell me If "Relax Lounge" is a place with good reputation in Vienna? I have check the video on their site and it looks like a bar where you can have few drinks and select a girl you like. Am I wrong?
Well, I wouldn't actually call it a bar - sounds a bit too classy. It's just an average Viennese brothel where they also happen to serve drinks. The girls are quite pretty and fairly young, but their attitude is mostly semi-enthusiastic, with possible exceptions in either direction.
My last question guys, sorry for bothering.

- In studios like "Relax Lounge" do they(girls) allow you to cum in mouth(CIM) or they will ask you some extra €€ for it like in FKK clubs and laufhauses?

This summer I will be in Vienna for 2-3 days and I was about to try Goldentime first day and other days laufhauses and studios.

Is there any other solid studios like "Relax Lounge", I really liked in the video on their site how that place looks like and the whole atmosphere there, so looking for something like that. Where you can have few drinks, good atmosphere and nice girls( doesn`t need to be on the level of GT or Maxim)
also vom video her finde ich schauts ja ganz gut aus ... wird wohl zeit sich selbst auch mal ein bild zu machen
My last question guys, sorry for bothering.

- In studios like "Relax Lounge" do they(girls) allow you to cum in mouth(CIM) or they will ask you some extra €€ for it like in FKK clubs and laufhauses?

This summer I will be in Vienna for 2-3 days and I was about to try Goldentime first day and other days laufhauses and studios.

Is there any other solid studios like "Relax Lounge", I really liked in the video on their site how that place looks like and the whole atmosphere there, so looking for something like that. Where you can have few drinks, good atmosphere and nice girls( doesn`t need to be on the level of GT or Maxim)

It is very unlikely that you will find a good atmosphere in Relaxe Lounge. CIM is extra in most places and also in Relaxe Lounge.
Of course you can stay in there for a while and drink your drink but the place is not ideal for it and the ladies are not schooled for it either.

As for your previous question, no - not a place with a good reputation per se
look for studio johnstraße 16 or studio arnsteingasse 3*, cheap, but nice places in vienna - i've heard, studio lapdance may be ok , too, but i 've never taken comfort there.
Gehören Studio Relaxe und Relaxe Lounge zusammen oder ist eines davon eine alte HP? Layout und Design sind ja identisch.

Girls » Studiorelaxe

Girls » Studio Relaxe Lounge

Würde mich für Laura interessieren, ich steh immer leicht auf so unsympathish wirkende Damen die nicht lächeln ;)

Ella auch, außer sie war früher in der Hütteldorfer Straße, darüber hab ich was im Zonk Thread gelesen.